Sains Malaysiana 54(1)(2025): 121-130


Manipulasi Struktur Hablur Selulosa: Sifat Mekanik, Morfologi, Terma dan Biodegradasi Komposit berasaskan Polietilena

(Manipulation of Cellulose Crystalline Structure: Mechanical, Morphological, Thermal and Biodegradation Properties of Polyethylene-based Composites)




Jabatan Sains Kimia, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 2 August 2024/Accepted: 13 September 2024



Kehabluran selulosa yang boleh memberi kesan kepada sifat komposit termoplastik boleh diubah melalui pelbagai kaedah rawatan, termasuk rawatan mekanik atau kimia. Dalam kajian ini, kehabluran selulosa dimanipulasi menggunakan pengisar bebola mekanik. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk menilai kesan pengubahan kehabluran selulosa terhadap prestasi keseluruhan komposit berasaskan polietilena berketumpatan tinggi (HDPE). Sifat komposit dinilai melalui ujian tegangan dan hentaman, spektroskopi inframerah pantulan keseluruhan dikecilkan (ATR-IR), mikroskop elektron pengimbasan (SEM), analisis termogravimetri (TGA) dan ujian biodegradasi tanah. Kesan kehabluran selulosa terhadap sifat mekanik komposit HDPE mendedahkan peningkatan kekuatan tegangan sebanyak 5% dengan penambahan 2% selulosa hablur rendah (LCC). Sebaliknya, kekuatan hentaman tertinggi komposit HDPE dicapai melalui penggabungan 6% LCC. Analisis ATR-IR menunjukkan bahawa keamatan puncak komposit HDPE-LCC berkurangan, manakala komposit HDPE dengan selulosa hablur tinggi (HCC) tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan keamatan puncak berbanding dengan spektrum HDPE. Pemeriksaan SEM mendedahkan bahawa LCC mempunyai sebaran yang lebih baik dalam matriks HDPE berbanding HCC. Degradasi terma berkurang sebanyak 32% dengan penambahan kedua-dua HCC dan LCC. Kajian biodegradasi tanah menunjukkan bahawa sifat mekanik komposit HDPE-LCC merosot dengan lebih besar berbanding komposit HDPE-HCC selepas 24 bulan dalam tanah. Secara keseluruhan, kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa pengubahan kehabluran selulosa dapat membawa kepada penghasilan komposit dengan sifat yang dilaraskan.


Kata kunci: Amorfus; biodegradasi tanah; polietilena berketumpatan tinggi; selulosa mikrohablur



Cellulose crystallinity can be altered by various treatment methods, including mechanical or chemical treatments, which can affect the properties of thermoplastic composites. In this study, the crystallinity of cellulose was manipulated using mechanical ball milling. The primary objective was to assess the impact of altering the cellulose crystallinity on the overall performance of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)-based composites. The mechanical and structural properties of the composites were assessed using tensile and impact tests, attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The degradation properties of the HDPE composites were evaluated using a soil-burial degradation test. The impact of cellulose crystallinity on the mechanical properties of HDPE composites showed a marginal enhancement of 5% in tensile strength with the incorporation of 2% low-crystallinity cellulose (LCC). The highest impact strength of the HDPE composites was attained by the incorporation of 6% LCC. ATR-IR analysis showed that the peak intensity of the HDPE-LCC composite decreased, whereas the HDPE composite with high-crystallinity cellulose (HCC) did not exhibit changes in peak intensity compared to the HDPE spectrum. SEM examination showed that LCC possessed superior dispersion in the HDPE matrix compared to that of HCC. Thermal degradation decreased by up to 32% with the addition of HCC and LCC. A soil burial degradation study showed that the mechanical properties of the HDPE-LCC composite deteriorated more than those of the HDPE-HCC composite after 24 months. This study concluded that altering the crystallinity of cellulose can lead to composites with tailored properties.


Keywords: Amorphous; high-density polyethylene; microcrystalline cellulose; soil burial



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